Monday, May 5, 2008

Studio thread holder

Hi, the group I belong to on line "fiberarts of southern california" recently had a discussion about how to store thread. I thought I would share with you what I came up with to store my thread. Right now it is sorted into types rather than colors, but that could change. The storage units were gotten at a garage sale and they are old card catalog drawers from a library. They are right behind my sewing machine so I can just reach back and open a drawer and get my thread out. They are protected from the sun because they are closed and work great. Hope you enjoy the photos. I also got news that I have two quilts going to Houston. One for the "Tactile Architecture" and another for the "In Full Bloom" special exhibit. I am doing a very happy dance right now. I cannot post those pictures until the exhibit opens in October but it gives me the incentive to keep on trying....Have a great day, the sun is shining and all the flowers are blooming.
Here is a quilt I just fininshed for a challenge for my local group. It was called Cha-Ching. It is hanging in a local bank, so they wanted something to do with money, and something from a hardware store that would cha ching when wiggled. Mine is called "The Color of Money, and I found some great and colorful money from other countries and incorporated them in to the quilt. I will try and take some other photos of the whole group and post them soon.
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Friday, March 21, 2008


I have started doing some postcards. They are such fun. Here are a couple that are finished. Hopefully I will have lots done by June and can have them for sale in our annual Art in the Garden event. I am not really sure how much to have them for sale for, if anyone out there has an idea it would be greatly appreciated. I think that 30% will go to benefit our local Grants Pass Museum of Art, which is a great thing. I have lots of ideas, birds, flowers, Oriental, just lots. Will post as I get them done.
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Thursday, March 20, 2008


I forgot to publish this one, called JujyFruits.
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Rogue Art Quilter continued

Hi, I am not really sure how to publish my photos very well yet. Seems if I write first and then try and enter a photo from picassa it imports all the photos instead of just the ones I want. Anyway, I am doing it with separate posts for the writing. The photos below are represented by Nestle Crunch Bar, M & M's, Almond Joy, Dots, Life Savers and KandyKorn.
I pulled my Tarot yesterday on the Vernal Equinox, and the cards really told me what direction I should go. I have been sort of disenchanted lately by show rejects, the cost to enter shows, and sort of deciding to just give away all of my art quilts to my family and friends. The cards say different. I can give them away if I want, but also that I must share my talents, face the world head on, act and step forth. I must also accept recognition, which is very hard for me. The cards also say that a wondrous event is about to take place, and that I must overcome my doubt and fear, trust my decisions and aim towards the light. They say that I will also have a wonderful revolution filled with new inspiration. I must energize my spirit, and devote my time with the utmost love to carrying out the work I do, that I must soar higher. Every card coincided with the others. Now I know my direction. I will try and do an art quilt a week and see where it carries me.

Rogue Art Quilters

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Fabric of vision show

Here are some photos of our art quilt groups latest show in a beautiful fabric store called Fabric of Vision. Lots of great talent. The theme was candy, we all chose a candy bar and made our quilt from our vision of that candy. Some people were quite literal and other abstract. The whole show looked very cohesive and was very fun.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Once in a Blue Moon

Here is another quilt I made sort of recently. It was made for a challenge with our local Art Quilt Group, the theme was color, and I randomly picked the color blue, the quilt had to be made of all blue hues. This hung in the local bead shop for "First Friday Art Night" and then stayed along with the others from the group for a month. All the wonderful colors put together looked wonderful. Each quilt was the same size so it became a very cohesive show. And, best of all, this sold to someone who needed a present for their nephew's wedding, his name was Blue and he was getting married on a day with a blue moon. Guess it was made to happen.
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Think like an artist

Things have been busy, lots of small quilts in the making and I am taking a class with Pamela Allen on line entitled Think Like an Artist, with weekly assignments. I will post week 1 assignment as well. I am mailing off my entry to Tactile Architecture" today, in plenty of time I think. You never know. I am also working on a few others for other entries. I would like to enter the Long Beach show since it is a premier show and I love the themes, being a Southern California gal many many years ago. My puppy had surgery last week, he swallowed a pin! I watched it happen and they don't exactly exit cleanly, especially in a 7 pound little one. So, the new thing is to teach him to stay completely out of my sewing room, I am sorta messy when creating and don't want that sort of thing to happen again. Quite the expensive surgery! Who would have guessed.

Monday, January 14, 2008

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Hi, Its been so long since I have written in this blog, but, this is a new year, with new resolutions. There has been lots on the burner, with little down time, even to quilt. I have been working on one quilt for "Tactile Architecture" and I think I might actually get it done. This winter has been wet, cold, snowy and generally wonderful for us. We usually get constant fog the months of December and January, and with all the storm activity there has been little or no fog. We got to spend the holidays with family both here and in Mount Shasta City. The puppy is keeping us busy as well. I am trying also to finish about three other quilts for end of January deadlines, and since none of them have even been started, this might not be accomplished. But, today I actually mailed a couple of entries in to shows, so at least that is done. Once it is done it never seems so bad, but getting to it is always so hard and I procrastinate terribly. Every time I go to download photos and burn a cd for entry, I get befuddled and never quite remember how to do it. But, I usually figure it out and get it done....I will post a couple of random photos taken recently for everyone to enjoy.